Flying Fox

I started this invention at Boys Brigade.  It didn't go so fast when I first made it, but when I added a few things it went really fast.  The main changes I made were to add a bit more weight, and I put a few washers on the outside of the wheel.  The finished flying fox was able to break through bark and sticks before being caught by the arrestor cable at the end of the run.



Extreme Four Wheel Drive

The extreme four wheel drive car has a computer inside, 8 seats, a winch, two extra wheels, a roof rack. Perhaps its most distinctive feature is the two wheels that come out of the front to stop tipping over when running downhill.

Grabby Rocket

With two attachments, the grabby rocket is good for getting rocks off other planets.  It can also bring damaged rockets back to the station.  The grabby rocket can be launched ten times before being fixed.

Bug Car

This car is shaped like a bug.  It has very small wheels underneath so that you cant see them very easily.  It also has legs coming out the side, that dont touch the ground.